
Friday 7 April 2017

room 10 fitness

Today room 10 went to the courts to do some fitness and we did push ups,sit ups,shuttle runs and laps i was in rata house with Mahoney, Sarah,Tupou, Lesieli, Jeziah and Ngakiri.

first Mr Nath timed us for our laps we got 1 minutes and 50 secs and we did three laps around the Glenbrae school court's my favourite bit was shuttle runs and push ups.

Then we all did push ups it was very tiring and my hands    were hurting and my heart was pounding and i was really excited when i was going outside to do fitness.

Next we did shuttle runs and we did assembly at the end of the fitness we also came 3rd place for our fitness.


  1. hi dyson i like how you put a lot of work into your writing. from your cuzin Lennox
