
Thursday 12 December 2019


For this activity, let’s imagine that, like Helen, you are hired to lead an organisation. In this case, you are hired to be the principal of your school for one week. How exciting?! What changes would you introduce? Would you make the school day longer? Would you introduce daily trips to the swimming pool?
On your blog, list five changes that you would make to your school if you were hired to be the principal for one week.

  • I would upgrade the classroom's and other things around the school.
  • I would get more revilers/teacher in every class room to help others so we will be able to do our work on time.
  • I would get more sports stuff for our students so they have more fun.
  • I would get more janatar to help around the school when its messes.

The Columbian Exchange

For this activity, please think of someone who has had a positive impact on your life. Who is this person? What did they do that was positive?
On your blog, please tell us about this person.

Miss Tupou: I'm Dyson's teacher, I believe in every student in Room 11 and I love my job and students they make me wanna come school every day.

She helps me and has Positive vibes around each student she is the best and a really great role model.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

When the Rubber Hits the Road!

For this activity, please interview three friends and ask them what they are most proud of. It could be something that they, or someone in their family, have accomplished.
On your blog, please share who these people were (first names only) and what they were proud of.

Benjamin - proud of coming to school and learning, because I want to learn more maths and get smarter then my brada.

Harry - I am proud of my maths and friends because I've been improving every year and my friends are kind to me.

Ford - I like spending time with my family and going places and helping others when they are down.

The water project

For this activity, please watch this short introductory video from The Water Project.
On your blog, share what you have learned about The Water Project with us. What is the goal of the organisation? Where do they work? What have they achieved?

The water project

Goal: to help people get clean water to live a healthy life.

People die every year in Africa, India from dirty water.

Lack of water results to girls dropping out off due to puberty. 

Some country's are less fortunate so we should be grateful.

people are spending there time find water but its useless its dirty.

water is from animal and human waste.

Equal pay for Equal work?

I think that they should make it so the laddies should get the same amount cash as the men cause its not that fair because the woman have to take care of the baby's so they should make it so the woman get paid the same as the men.


Tuesday 10 December 2019

Valentine Holmes

For this activity, please create four new similes. You can use the starters below or you can make up your own.

… is as fast as… (eg: The brand new Ferrari is as fast as a lightning bolt)
… is as tall as…
… is as small as…
… is beautiful like...
On your blog, share the similes that you have created with your readers.


For this activity, we would like to create your own pepeha. You can write the pepeha in any language that you wish. If you need some help, please visit this pepeha website or use this template.

Kia ora tātou
Greetings all

Ko te maunga
Mt wellington 

Ko te awa
Whau river

Glen Innes/Auckland/New zealand

Ko tōku ingoa
Dyson K

Big Friendly Giant!

For this activity, please listen to David Walliams, a famous British actor and comedian, reading a short clip from the BFG. In this clip, the BFG is talking to a young girl, Sophie, about one of his favourite hobbies. After listening to the clip, what do you think the BFG looks like?
On your blog, write a character description of the Big Friendly Giant that includes at least 10 descriptive words and a picture that you have drawn of the BFG. You could describe what he looks, smells, and sounds like, and tell your readers all about his personality.

Profile Page - Lorde