
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Room 10 Favourite pets

pet 1pet 2
penguingold fishpenguin 1
dogcatgold fish 2
dogbunnydog 6
dogmonkeycats 3
baby panadapuppybunny 2
cogarbearmonkey 1
liontigerbaby panda 1
wolfbearpuma 1
goldfishclownfishbear 2
dogbirdlion 3
wolffoxtiger 1
wolffoxwolf 6
cheaterleopardclownfish 1
wolfdogbird 1
pighorsehorse 1
kittenpuppyleopard 1
saber tooth tigerlioncheater 1
dogsnow leoprardpig 2
sabber tooth tiger 1
pigwolfsnow leopard 1


Wednesday 18 October 2017

Sea turtle conservation


This term we are learning about endangered land and sea animals. some species of sea turtles are endangered. Help me save the species of turtles

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Friday 25 August 2017

How to make a Milo

How to make a cup of milo
WALT:write a procedure on how to make a cup of milo
  • Milo
  • Sugar
  • Cup
  • Tea spoon
  • Jug
  • Milk       
    1.boil the cooled water
    2.Grab a cup out of the cupboard
    3.And put it on the counter
    4.then you get a teaspoon and sugar,milo and
        Scoop up  1 teaspoon of milo and sugar and
         Add it into the cup
    5.then wait for the jug to stop and then pour it into the
    6. then pour the milk and grab a teaspoon and mix it

Thursday 27 July 2017

Clubs 2017

 on Thursday the 3rd of august had clubs i was in drumming in Room 10 my class we had Mr nath my teacher and we only had 3 people. that was in our class there names are Dyson me kestrel,siosaia and more people. we also got to learn how to hold the drums and uses the drums i felt happy. because we all got to learn how to use and hold a drum.

Monday 10 July 2017



Going on a trip to the movies can’t wait i'm really!! really!! PUMPED to go to the movies i’m already there i'm next to my family sitting in my  chair and the popcorn is going everywhere on the floor and on the chair.


Dreaming on being a superhero

Flying in the air and saying hello to the people everywhere saving the day as i go on and on my journey to save the world i will have the pleasure to fight crime,bad guys and saying good bye.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Candle underwater

What You Need:
  • Taper candle
  • Large bowl
  • Duct tape
  • Cigarette lighter or candle
  • Cold water
  • Scissors
         What You Do:
  1. Have your child cut off four 4” lengths of duct tape.
  2. Invite him to fasten the candle to the bottom of the bowl with duct tape.
  3. Help him fill the bowl with water just to the top of the candle. Be careful not to submerge the wick!
  4. Light the candle for your child. Instruct him to be careful of the open flame!
  5. Encourage your child to observe what happens. The candle should burn all the way to the bottom of the bowl, leaving a thin tube of wax.

What Happened?

If you had lit and burned the candle in a waterless bowl, it would have burned normally and eventually consumed the whole candle. This is caused by the action of both heat flow and a high temperature. Get your child thinking: Why did the candle burn differently when he added water to the bowl? It only seems like magic that the candle burned while it was underwater!
Water has the amazing quality of absorbing heat energy, and because you used cold water, even more heat energy was absorbed. Once the candle's heat energy dissipated into the water, the heat had much less impact on the outer surface of the candle, resulting in the candle's strange transformation.

Te reo places

New Zealand
Tāmaki Makaurau
Te Ūpoko o te Ika
Palmerston North
Te Papaioea

compare contrast

Goosebumps 1

One quiet night on a street called klown Ave there are always silent and quiet and there are always accident here in klown Ave and murders there are mostly murders. we are moving away in 1 more month.Yesterday it was the most scariest day of my life a clown was running after me when i was walking my dog he was about to kill me but i got away. ok lets start first i was walking and walking until i heard this behind me hehehehe!! I looked back there was nothing there then i looked back and kept on walking i heard it again nothing was there still but this time i looked everywhere in the park and the whole area but i had no luck i left my dog on a leash and tied it to a wooden fence and when i looked back my dog was not there i started freaking out and then i saw a clown right in front of me i was running for my life he started following me i ran back to my house and locked all the doors and windows i was sitting in a corner and then i heard my door knock and i was freaking out and then i unlocked my back door and i ran out of that door and then the clown smashed the door and went thru the backdoor i went over the fence and the clown was following me and then he was right behind me i slapped him on the head and his mask came off and he was back to normal to be continued Goosebumps 2 coming out soon.

burning house

the burning house
One dark night when everyone is asleep in there own house and it's when everyone is snoring in there bed and probably on their mattress and probably a couch but these people were very unlucky in that house there was  a  mum, baby, brother and a sister they were sleeping when they heard a boom!! Crash bang. They woke up and looked everywhere in the house they saw nothing when they back back to sleep they heard it again boom!! Crash bang they got back up.

They saw nothing again when they went back to sleep they never heard a single sound and then later that night the smoke alarm went off and they saw a robber the robber quickly ran back outside and the mum said get out kids then the kids said ok mum then they went outside and they called the fire fighters and they came and put out the fire.

Next they shared the news around and they tried to find the robber to but there had no luck they had to wait about a month until they got their house back there mum payed for everything and they got their house back and everything was the same again.

Friday 16 June 2017


This morning Room 10 and some of Room 8 went outside to do military style fitness.

The first session we had to do was a warm up, we had to stretch our arms, legs and our body before finally had our competition. We had 3 groups, Room 10 boys and girls challenged each other.

We had to go around the court and jogged as a bunched group and chanting our song we had to choose.

Monday 8 May 2017

Charlie and friends

We have been reading and writing about Charlie. He is a Lowchen dog and he comes from Germany and France. We have been working on this for a couple weeks now and I like doing this.   

Friday 5 May 2017

fitness with miss Raj

Today Mrs Raj took us outside for fitness. First, we had to make geometrical shapes using our bodies. We had to make a square, a rectangle, a circle, an oval shape, a diamond and even a triangle with our bodies. It took us a while to do this, but we finally did it.

After we made some shapes with our bodies we did a challenge between our group and group number two.We won by one point Mrs Raj told us to find some shapes on the court. We found rectangles, a square, a semi-circle and big circles on the courts.

After making shapes we had to tell three facts about each shape we made. We had to do star jumps, push ups and step ups in between these.

Finally we ran twice around the rectangular court and went back to class.I enjoyed making shapes with our bodies and doing fitness as well.

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Wednesday 3 May 2017

My shape inforgraphic!

This is my shape inforgraphic that I've learnt from one of the media team. I really love the design of it and I want to do this again.